Services + Pricing
Custom pricing is available. Contact
Talks with Coach Q:
Pricing Option Single Session: $120 + number of physical manual copies (if desired)
- 1 session: 1 session for 1-hour
- Location: TBD
- Topics to be discussed: TBD by staff and team leadership committee
- Resource to be utilized: Mental Fitness Mentality Manual and The All Paths
Podcast (conversations to reference) - Cost: $120 per session for the service
- Physical copies of the Mental Fitness Manual -
we do not look to profit off
of these (quoted separately) - Days: Monday/Wednesday: 4:15-5:15, Tuesday/Thursday: 3:15-4:15, Friday-
3:15-4:15, Weekends: TBD (*** pricing will vary for a weekend service)
- 4 sessions: 1 session for 1-hour
- Frequency: TBD (Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Bi-monthly)
- Location: TBD
- Topics to be discussed: TBD by staff and team leadership committee
- Resource to be utilized: Mental Fitness Mentality Manual and The All Paths
Podcast (conversations to reference) - Cost: $120 per session for the service
- Physical copies of the Mental Fitness Manual -
we do not look to profit off
of these (quoted separately) - Days: Monday/Wednesday: 4:15-5:15, Tuesday/Thursday: 3:15-4:15, Friday-
3:15-4:15, Weekends: TBD (*** pricing will vary for a weekend service)
- 8 sessions: 1 session for 1-hour
- Location: TBD
- Topics to be discussed: TBD by staff and team leadership committee
- Resource to be utilized: Mental Fitness Mentality Manual and The All Paths
Podcast (conversations to reference) - Cost: $120 per session for the service
- Physical copies of the Mental Fitness Manual -
we do not look to profit off
of these (quoted separately) - Days: Monday/Wednesday: 4:15-5:15, Tuesday/Thursday: 3:15-4:15, Friday-
3:15-4:15, Weekends: TBD (*** pricing will vary for a weekend service)
- 16 sessions: 1 session for 1-hour
- Frequency: TBD (Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Bi-monthly)
- Location: TBD
- Topics to be discussed: TBD by staff and team leadership committee
- Resource to be utilized: Mental Fitness Mentality Manual and The All Paths
Podcast (conversations to reference) - Cost: $120 per session for the service
- Physical copies of the Mental Fitness Manual -
we do not look to profit off
of these (quoted separately) - Days: Monday/Wednesday: 4:15-5:15, Tuesday/Thursday: 3:15-4:15, Friday-
3:15-4:15, Weekends: TBD (*** pricing will vary for a weekend service)
- Mental fitness workshops for coaches to have round table discussion focused on the issues of managing mental within their respective organizations.
- Pricing = flat fee of $25.00 per person + building fee (dependent on time of year)
- Time = 2-3 hrs,
- 1 hour number presentation on the manual,
- Hours 2-3 is spent in discussion on the challenges they face with mental diagnostic expertise as well as different approaches coaches can take to manage individual and group dynamics
- Currently only for Coaches, Athletic Directors, Club Coaches etc...
- Location: Annex of the Gentle Shepherd
- Individual journal sales for private use (email to inquire)